Entering the festival is really easy. First, read this FAQ,
it should answer all your questions. 2nd, go to - Categories,
and we would suggest printing it out, at least the section
you are entering. Shorts are all in the 300 series, Features
are in the 000 series, Film & Video production is in the
200 series. Scripts are in the 700 category series,
Experimental in the 500 series, TV Production is in the 100
series and so forth. Simply scroll down to find your Main
Competition Category. Then go to –
We now offer a TWO PAGE Adobe Acrobat or Word Entry Form.
Fill it out, send it in. It's that easy. Pick out your best
productions, no limit to the number of entries that you may
submit. Please type or block print very clearly, neatness
does count! It can be filled out in less than five minutes!
All Entry Fees are clearly listed on the Official WorldFest
Entry Form - 2nd Page. You can easily fill out our form in
less than 5 minutes! Students send only a COPY of their student
ID or a letter from your school.
The Main Entry Deadline is
December 15th, 2012 - These are Postmark-By/Ship-By
Deadlines, entries do not have to reach us by then. For
a Special Entry Deadline Extension, simply email your request
to - entry@worldfest.org - Your wish shall be granted! The
Final Entry Deadline is January 15th, but must reach us by
January 31st 2013. We are very flexible here, as our juries
cannot finish their work over the weekend! But the Brick-Wall
Be-Here-By Deadline is January 31st, 2013!)
ELIGIBILITY: Productions from 2010 to 2013
are eligible. The Entry Form is now fully Mac/Apple compatible!
If it does not work for you, just ask, and we will email or
fax you a Microsoft Word or Adobe AcrobatFile. The most frequent
entry error that is made is not putting in your email address
and/or a category number. The
"Indie" rule applies only to Feature Films, not
to any other categories. (The "Indie Rule" means
we screen only Indie Features, not major studio features,
but do accept entries in all other categories from all major
companies. No worries!)
CATEGORIES: Click on the "Category"
page. Select the main competition category number that seems
most appropriate. You can enter in up to five additional categories
for an additional fee of just $30 per category. Certain categories
are very competitive, so it is very important to consider
other appropriate categories. If you do not receive an award
in your first choice, you will then be automatically considered
in your additional categories! WorldFest receives more than
4,500 entries in all 200+ sub-categories, which is about 23
entries (average) per sub-category. Some categories have more
than 400 entries. For all Series entries, submit one to three
examples, no more.)
LOGISTICS: You may send just one DVD/tape
for multiple category entries. You may combine multiple TV
commercial entries on a VHS, DVD or Beta-SP single tape, with
no color bars, and a 5 second break between spots. Make sure
their titles and order/sequence are correct on the tape. Screenplays
must be bound in some way, and can be optioned but not produced,
and there is no limit to the number of screenplays that can
be entered. Tape entries must be re-wound, Heads
Out! It does not amuse the jury to have to stop and rewind
your tape back to the beginning. It is not professional to
submit a tape that starts somewhere in the middle, and it
certainly won’t get points with the jury. VHS &
DVD Entries can be NTSC, PAL, or SECAM , DVD's - any and all
regions. There is no extra charge for PAL or other formats.
We accept all regions and all formats. We also accept BLURAY
DVD's. We do prefer DVD's & BluRay!
PAYMENT: The actual Category Entry
Fees are listed in detail on the Entry Form.
Please fill out the Entry Form carefully. Please type or print
very clearly. Neatness does count! Especially the email address!
One Entry Form per entry. Fill in all the blanks possible.
You may Photocopy/Xerox extra copies as required. You are
required to use the official WorldFest entry form. Visa, MasterCard,
Amex, Diner's Club, Discover Cards, checks, money orders,
postal money orders, PayPal & even cash are acceptable.
The PayPal payment address
is - entry@worldfest.org
Please make your check out to: WorldFest-Houston or
Houston Intl Film Festival, Inc. International entries
MUST pay by credit card, PayPal or US bank/US Funds checks
only. We require an email address if at all possible! This
helps us in contacting you quickly and easily. Please make
your check payable to: WorldFest-Houston or simply - WorldFest.
Our IRS Federal Tax ID # 74-2168997 - WorldFest is
a non-profit 501-(c)-(3) educational/cultural organization
founded in 1961. "Still Standin' After All These
Years!" The third oldest International Film & Video
competition in North America. WorldFest is the longest
running film festival in the world operating under the
same continuous management team! WorldFest is the oldest Independent
Film Festival in the World! Founded in 1961.
SPECIAL MATERIALS: A short paragraph, 50-100
word synopsis is requested for all entries, (not TV commercials)
which is for the jury and the program book.. Shorts &
Features should provide a color or B/W production digital
still photo of any size for the program book (Only if accepted
- You do not have to send still pix with your entry!). Slides
and jpeg photo files are OK (These are NOT required for video,
cable, TVC, or Screenplay entries). You may wait until you
are invited / accepted into the festival to send all of this
material. The Video Tape, DVD or Screenplay, Synopsis
and Entry Form are what really matter. If accepted,
feature entries should also send several production still
photos, a press kit and resume with photo of the director.
We do accept jpeg disk or email photo files, Windows/IBM format
only. We regret that photos and slides used for the program
book cannot be returned. Please attach the Screenplay/script
synopsis to the actual script entry. You may ID the script
with title, your name & contact details. Scripts Must
Be Bound in some way! We do prefer scripts
to be printed in Courier 12pt if at all possible. We will
not accept loose pages in a box! Unproduced scripts only!
You may put your name and other info on the title page.
SHIPMENT: Ship or Mail your entry to our offices
at: WorldFest-Houston, 9898 Bissonnet, Suite 650,
LATE FEE! Entries must REACH US BY JANUARY 31st! Entries have
to be received by this date! Need More Time?
Call (713) 965-9955 or email us at -- entry(at)worldfest(dot)org
-- to make special arrangements with the jury secretary for
an additional Entry Deadline Extension. Members of our staff
are all film/video makers, so we understand!
FURTHER SHIPPING NOTES: (Can save you money!)
Send your Tape, DVD, entry forms, synopsis, credits, photos,
and entry fee WITH your entry package. Please do not use fiber-padded
envelopes, as they break open and spill fine paper dust/powder
on your entry tape. Use bubble or foam padded envelopes! And
for heavens sake, do not ship your Tape or DVD with just a
mailing label and postage put on the bare tape or DVD sleeve!
(do label the DVD/tape, though) Pack it carefully. The US
Post Office will give you a FREE Priority Mail shipping box,
and Free larger boxes for multiple entry shipments, as will
FedEx. Priority Mail with delivery confirmation is only about
$4.75 for 1 or two BetaSP tapes or 10 DVD's! Media Mail is
a little as $1.50 an entry! Remember, THE FINAL DEADLINE is
an "ARRIVE BY" deadline, entries do have to reach
us on the deadline date of JAN 31. Please do not waste your
money on overnight or Saturday rush shipments or those fancy
presentation folders... the juries just watch the entry VHS
tape or DVD. The jury does not even see the package. They
do amuse and delight the mail room entry processing team,
though! 99% of our entries are now DVD or BluRay, only a handfull
of tapes!
be notified by a personal email when your entry is processed!
No Worries! (or later by snail mail if you do not have email)
You will then be notified via email of the competition results
before the festival. WINNERS WILL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 30
DAYS BEFORE THE FESTIVAL BEGINS! All award winning entries
will be placed in the WorldFest Archives and recorded in the
Library of Congress. The archives contain award-winning entries
going back to 1980. If you want your entry returned, please
provide an SASE. All Remi Winners will be retained in the
WorldFest Archives (which goes back to 1968) and are listed
in The Library of Congress.
QUESTIONS? Any questions or problems? PLEASE
call us toll-free at (866) 965-9955 (in the
USA) - International calls to 1-713-965-9955 or FAX (713)
965-9960. (Real people answer most of the time, no automated
computers for us! No Press One for English either!)
E-mail: mail(at)worldfest(dot)org - Or visit our Web
Site: www.worldfest.org
(The WorldFest Posters are famous! You can see the past ones
under Merchandise. For the 2012 WorldFest Poster created for
the 45th WorldFest, we offer a rolled limited edition, numbered
(1,000) poster 22x42, suitable for framing, shipped in a tube
for $15 including postage, and you may order it right on the
Entry Form.) The 46th WorldFest Poster will be available December
does not really like these services. Here are our thoughts:
A. Yes, they
are "EASY" but sometimes Easy is not the best path.
They charge both you and the festival a 'convenience fee'.
They charge the festival a very significant fee. This means
we would have to raise our fees to cover the cost. And we
get enough entries as it is, without their services! B.
We do not like having your credit cards and personal details
on the Internet. It is simply not secure. You read every day
about some site being hacked and all the credit card info
stolen. After processing, we shred all Credit Card info and
only store the last four CC numbers in our computers. C.
We do not like to have the Entry Form sent to us on-line with
an Entry ID Code and have to match the form up with the DVD
when it arrives later. That is a total waste of time for our
staff, as Entries now arrive at the WorldFest offices complete
with all info and the DVD. D.
We like to judge entries on our big 72 inch digital plasma
screens with the juries in session. We do not think that your
entry should be viewed as a download - on a tiny lap-top screen.
We do not think your entry should be judged by one individual
looking at his little lap-top screen. We like the Jury interaction,
and the big picture on the big screen with surround sound.
This shows your production at its best and gives you a better
chance. E.
We will not accept on-line video and Screenplay submissions.
Our script judges want to hold the script in their hands and
read it, not play the "Kindle" game. (Yes, We are
old-school and proud of it.) F.
Finally, we do not want a third party (the Fest Entry Service)
to know everything about everything; your personal details,
the jury notes and scores, email addresses and contact information
for all concerned. We think this is just a little too much
information to be floating around out there in ether-land.
Thanks for reviewing our very sincere concerns and we very
much welcome your thoughts and comments!