Showtime: Saturday, April 22 nd at 9:30pm & Thursday, April 27 th at 9:30pm
Zhenya Kiperman
Anthony Grillo,
Alyssa Black,
Zhenya Kiperman
Leah O'Donnell
Zhenya Kiperman
Dir. of Photo:
Wolfgang Held
Larry Pine,
Michi Barall,
Keith Nobbs,
Lair Torrent,
Kate Hodge,
Carolee Carmello,
Larry Drake,
Giancarlo Esposito
Shakespeare's words aptly come to life in this comedy about great actors and their on and off stage dramas and farces including adultery, burglary, suicide, and murder. I Will Avenge You Iago! is funny, often heartbreaking, and never predictable. With its eccentric characters, fascinating stories, and stellar cast, this film appeals to anyone who loves great comedy.
95 Minutes
Color, 35 mm, English
Zhenya Kiperman, a Columbia University Film School graduate, wrote, produced, and starred in three films, including the thirty minute version of I Will Avenge You Iago! Mr. Kiperman is also the founder, producer, and host of the Golden Age of Cinema film festival ( Currently, he is an Adjunct Professor at NYU and the New School University and is developing his next film project.